This took me a while to figure out when I first started using Carrd. So, I thought I’d share it.
To edit/adjust the space gap between containers on Carrd:
- Put every section of the page in its own container.
I will use many containers on a page and adjust the spacing to make it look right. The page is just a stack of containers. Every headline, text, and image has its own container.
- Go to: Page
- Contents > Spacing: 0
- Click the container on the page section you want to adjust.
- Under the Appearance tab, play around with the; Height, Padding, Margins, and Spacing settings to get your Carrd page looking how you want.
Adjust each container manually to get the vibes just right.
Web designer and developer. I love building high-converting 1-page website templates for Carrd. I’ve been featured on: Behance, Canva, Search Engine Journal, CBC, CTV and more…